There are three main differences that distinguish “HME Accreditation Simplified!™” from all the rest of the other manuals currently available.
- “HME Accreditation Simplified!™” is the most comprehensive accreditation manual you can buy in the industry today. No other accreditation manual even comes close to matching the breadth and depth of its content.
“HME Accreditation Simplified!™” is not a newcomer to the marketplace. It was first developed in 1997 and has been meticulously improved and updated to meet industry standards ever since.
We have checked and compared the other manuals that we know about that are also available today and we have concluded that “HME Accreditation Simplified!™” is the best manual you can use hands down.
- “HME Accreditation Simplified!™” provides you with content that is individually customized to the unique aspects of your particular HME business. Before we ship the manual out to you, it will be customized to contain your specific company information and unique business operations details. It will arrive to you with all Policies, Procedures and Job Descriptions, Employee Manual, etc. specific to your business ready to be printed out. This is not a generic manual but instead a customized manual tailored individually to each HME business that gets one.
- Exceptional customer service is a unique feature provided automatically with “HME Accreditation Simplified!™”. Not only is this accreditation toolkit specially tailored to your company operations, it is also thoroughly reviewed by an accreditation expert for accuracy before you receive it. In addition you will receive a free recorded interview with a current accreditation surveyor explaining about what accreditation pitfalls to avoid, …you also receive a free 30-minute phone consultation with an industry expert on how to get started correctly with your manual while getting any initial questions answered that you might have. Finally, the product is backed by a money back guarantee.