HME Accreditation Simplified™
In Home Services Version
This manual is designed for companies who provide equipment and services to the patient in a home setting. Additional modules are available for:
- Fitter Services – mastectomy fitting, orthotics and prosthetics.
- Rehab Technology providers- for those providers who provide equipment and services in the Complex Rehab Environment.
- Clinical Respiratory Services- for those providers who have a Respiratory Therapy staff and provide clinical services under a physician protocol or provide services requiring hands-on interaction with the patient.
- Liquid Oxygen services.
The fully customized, comprehensive HME accreditation manual is created after client enters demographic and company information in a simple on-line worksheet provided at the time of purchase. The manual becomes downloadable and can also be made available on a CD if requested.
The manual includes policies and procedures that meet the CMS and accreditation guidelines, applicable forms and job descriptions, as well as Quality Improvement and Performance Management Guides and an employee handbook.
The manual is cross-walked for ACHC, The Joint Commission and CHAP Accreditation Agencies.
Why Consider a HME Accreditation Manual?
The Accreditation Process Can Be Difficult
A genuine commitment of all staff is required for a successful accreditation implementation. The process takes valuable time and resources in order to:
- Standardize Patient and Employee Records
- Keep and Maintain Comprehensive Records
- Manage Compliant Audit Practices
- Develop Policies and Procedures
- Evaluate Existing Safety and Maintenance Processes
Accreditation is a complex maze to be navigated, and without professional accreditation support, the process can become too overwhelming and may come to a stop, or create costly mistakes in time, money and morale.
During the 3-4 month accreditation process, you still have a business to run. Tying up staff to focus on the project of developing policy and procedure manuals, job descriptions, performance and management guidelines and data collection can be simplified through the use of a high quality accreditation manual.
Every company embarking on the process of accreditation wants to have the right plan for accreditation at the very start. Companies want to be certain that they are not wasting their time and money on an accreditation implementation that is fundamentally flawed. The desire for a “no surprises” survey experience is a critical element, while also streamlining their efforts to minimize day-to-day work flow interruptions during the preparation phase.
Often, Accreditation Agency Materials Are Not Enough
The materials they provide don’t explain HOW to do the process, but only state what is needed to compile and complete. The agency does not offer the additional support companies often need, requiring them to use consultants or pre-existing accreditation manuals. Many find consultants to be very expensive and accreditation manuals too generic, which is why we’ve created solutions to combat those.
Our expert accreditation consultants are typically used on a very short term project, 3 days instead of 3 months, when coupled with our customized and comprehensive manual, depending on your business complexity.
Our manual is all any HME or MEDICAL SUPPLY PROVIDER company will need to meet every CMS standard and obtain successful accreditation by any of the CMS approved accreditation bodies. In fact, we have a 100% accreditation survey success rate for over a decade!
Your customized manual will truly reflect your business operations and will be all you need to get started correctly with your survey preparations. If you need more support, we offer Accreditation Consulting Services and afterwards, subscription services to keep your manuals up-to-date.
HME Accreditation Simplified!™
…gives you a complete set of all the Policy and Procedure Manuals you need for the Home Medical Equipment part of your business to meet all of the CMS Quality Standards and achieve or maintain accreditation by any of the following CMS approved accreditation agencies:
- Accreditation Commission for Healthcare, Inc. (ACHC)
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (THE JOINT COMMISSION)
- Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP)
- National Board of Accreditation for Orthotic Suppliers
- Board for Orthotist/Prosthetist Certification (BOC)
- National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
- American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. (ABC)
- The Compliance Team, Inc.
You will find included in this material:
- Policies and Procedures
- Job Descriptions designed for your organization
- a complete Performance Management Program
- Training Programs
- Clinical Tools for all your product lines that meet the CMS guidelines
- And more.
Visit our HME Accreditation Table of Contents Page for more details.