Yes, most Pharmacy, Fitter Services, Mail Order Supply, and Retail-Only HME companies really do need one. Here’s why… Although, each of the accreditation agencies provide some materials for you to get started with the accreditation process, these materials usually contain only the industry standards for you to read, interpret, and understand on your own. Then you must try to follow them the best you can within your company without any further guidance.
Fully understanding what each requirement in the standards entails and then implementing those industry standards properly is no small task! Having a good accreditation manual takes the guess work out of knowing not only what to implement, but more importantly, how to properly implement what will be required of you during the accreditation survey.
Bottom line: The accreditation agency’s materials will tell you what industry standards you need to follow, but a good accreditation manual will show you much more, that is, how to properly follow each standard.
Knowing how to clearly follow the accreditation standards from the very beginning will save you substantially in both time and money while preparing for your survey.