The best way to make a wise decision on which accreditation agency to use is to evaluate each of them carefully for yourself. Start by going to each of their websites. When visiting accreditation agency websites, keep the following important considerations in mind while evaluating them: Research each accreditation agency to get an overall understanding …
How quickly will I receive my manual and how will it be delivered?
Once you have successfully completed your company profile which is needed to customize your manual to the particulars of your company, your manual with all of its components will be immediately sent to you. We could send the manual immediately after submission, but instead we will take the time to review it first before we …
How can I be sure this product will do everything that is claimed here?
Each accreditation toolkit is guaranteed, if “HME Accreditation Simplified!™” is used in good faith as prescribed by its contents and as a result of using the manual you still don’t complete a successful survey, you can receive a full refund of the purchase price upon return of the package. Nobody has a guarantee like that! …
Will this accreditation manual work for accreditation with any of the CMS approved accreditation agencies (i.e., ACHC, THE JOINT COMMISSION, CHAP, HQAA and others)?
“HME Accreditation Simplified!™” maps accurately to the accreditation standards required by any of the CMS approved accreditation agencies. This means that “HME Accreditation Simplified!™” works regardless of which accreditation agency you go through.
Is this accreditation manual up-to-date?
The entire accreditation toolkit is continually updated to conform with all current industry standards. If you purchase the Subscription Service option (when you purchase your manual), you will be able to regenerate on demand your manual and all of its components fully updated for download to your computer at any time ongoing. Every time you automatically regenerate your …