Your Single Most Important Accreditation Preparation Strategy Is Your Accreditation Manual…
A high quality accreditation manual must be:
- Complete in every important area required for your survey, and
- Carefully tailored to your specific company operations, and
- Continually updated with changes to industry standards and regulations.
“Anything less for your accreditation manual is a waste of your survey preparation dollars!”
HME Accreditation Simplified is the most comprehensive accreditation manual available today and always comes fully customized to your specific company operations.
Ordering is simple. Here’s how it works…
Step 1 – Order HME Accreditation Simplified! – In Home Services Manual: $1995
- HME Policies and Procedures manual
- Employee Handbook
- Performance Management Plan
- Comprehensive Data Collection and Record Keeping Forms for
- Patient Information
- Quality Improvement, Maintenance, and Inventory Tracking
- Ready-to-print Job Descriptions
- Clinical Care, Patient Safety, and Inventory Management Procedures
- Maintenance & Repair Methods
- Compliance Plan
- Organizational Chart
Modules tailored to meet your company profile and the accreditation standards at no additional cost:
- Clinical Respiratory Services
2. Liquid Oxygen
3. Rehab Technology Supplier
4. Fitter Services (Orthotic and Mastectomy fitters)
Step 2 – Select Your Update Subscription Service Option:
(Your choice of monthly or annual automatic renewal, purchased with manual)
Subscription Service Benefits
- Subscription Service will allow you to have a continually up-to-date manual ready at any time that accurately reflects ongoing changes to your business and ongoing changes to industry standards and regulations. This will keep your manual up-to-date and ready to prove your compliance, even during unannounced on-site checks from regulators.
- Subscription Service will allow you to be able to regenerate your manual any time you change your online company profile to reflect changes to your company operations (e.g., adding/removing a product line, adding/removing a job title, changes in organizational chart, etc.).
- Subscription Service will inform you via email of when we have updated and what we have updated in your manual to accommodate changes to industry standards/regulations, so that you will know when to regenerate your document for the latest version. This will also allow you to keep track of the industry standards and regulation changes to which you must comply.
- Subscription Service will save you money because you won’t have to buy a brand new updated manual in the following years when it is time to get re-accredited. You will just have to regenerate your manual again for updates at that time. The cumulative monthly or annual recurring charges for Subscription Service are significantly less costly than the cost of purchasing a brand new manual every three years.
- The Subscription Service monthly or annual recurring charges are delayed for 6 months after you purchase your manual so that you will be sure to have an up-to-date manual at no additional cost during the time you are preparing for accreditation.
How Subscription Service Works
- Subscription Service allows you to regenerate your customized HME Accreditation Simplified!™ manual at any time to obtain an updated version.
- You have the option to select Subscription Service to automatically renew monthly or annually when you purchase your manual.HME Subscription service $600 annually or $50 monthly
- When you purchase your HME Accreditation Simplified!™ manual with Subscription Service, your subscription’s first 6 months are FREE! Recurring monthly or annual billing charges for Subscription Service will not start until 6 months after you purchase your manual, so that your manual is continually updated at no additional charge while you are preparing for accreditation.
- You may cancel your subscription service at any time by just giving our Customer Service department a call.
- You have the option to buy your HME Accreditation Simplified!™ manual without Subscription Service, …but why would you want to? Purchasing your manual without Subscription Service will mean you will neither be automatically notified of changes to the industry standards and regulations when they occur, nor will you have ongoing updates to your manual made for you automatically. Also, you will have to replace your manual with a brand new manual (at greater cost compared to ongoing Subscription Service) when it is time to get re-accredited in a few years.
Subscription Service is the easiest and most economical way for you to maintain important updates to your manual and all of its components. With Subscription Service you only have to update your company profile to keep your customized manual current… we do all the rest of the updates for you automatically.